LifeScience - Science for Life
This website provides you with information about my specifc scientific experience on different fields of lifesciences to facilitate the communication with colleagues all over the world.
The main connecting idea between all research topics of the last thirty years was to increase applicable knowledge to afford benefits for producer and consumer with respect to environmental equilibration, food quality, life standard and social situation. The design of mixed cropping systems and diverse technology transfer projects related to useful plants reflect this idea.
Production of healthy useful plants is understood as the result of the integration of complex biological, ecological and socio-economic variables and pre-conditions.
Consumer oriented measures of agricultural performance features are put in the context of common agricultural practices and developments recommended as Best Agricultural Practices (BAP) and Best Management Practice .
My favorite research topic has been the area of symbiont technology. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were optimized for use in phytomedicine and the effects tested.
Reports on projects carried out in co-operation with international partners from universities, industry and administration are cited.
Phytomedicine - Best Agricultural Practice - Symbiont Technology - Agro-ecology - Technology Transfer